Information about the school internship (practical semester BW)

      Purpose, duration, registration and implementation periods

      As part of the reorganization of training for the higher teaching profession, part of the preparatory service (Referendariat) was brought forward into the study period. This shortens the duration of the preparatory service to 18 months, with a ten-week practical semester to be completed during the course of study.

      The school internship lasts a total of 10 weeks.

      1st module (practical school studies I): 4 weeks

      2nd module (practical school studies II): 3 weeks

      3rd module (Practical School Studies III): 3 weeks   

      The internship semester must contain at least one closed 4-week block to be recognized. School vacations do not count as an interruption of the 4-week block, but extend the school internship accordingly. Accordingly, Module 1 can only be taken in the spring and Modules 2 and 3 can only be taken in the fall. 

      For the school internship, register online at

        • Registration period for the 1st module (School Practical Studies I): Fall (time of internship: spring)
        • Registration period for 2nd module (School Practicum Studies II): Spring (time of internship: Fall)
        • Registration period for 3rd module (School Practicum Studies III): Spring (time of internship: Fall)

      Note: So please note that you register separately for Module 1, Module 2 and Module 3.

      University course accompanying the practical school studies I (Module 1)

      The School Practical Studies I (Module 1) are accompanied by the Business Education Seminar for the School Practical Semester. The seminar module for the school internship semester is divided into a preparatory and a follow-up part and is mandatory for the 5th and 6th semester.

      This year's information event for the preparatory and follow-up seminar is expected to take place between 01.07. and 15.07.2022. You will receive more information shortly.

      Questions about the school internship (practical school studies I) and the business education seminar on school practice (preparatory and follow-up seminar on teaching business and economics)

      Yes. The module is compulsory for all students of the Bachelor's program in Business Education. The first school internship serves primarily as an orientation to gain insight into everyday school life, lesson planning, preparation and implementation.

      As a rule, the 4-week school internship begins immediately after the Carnival vacations (end of February/March). The exact starting time is agreed with the schools individually.

      Yes. An application is required for the school internship. You will receive more information about this in good time during the pre- and post-internship seminar.

      The school internship must be provided at a commercial school in Baden-Württemberg where your subjects of study are taught to a sufficient extent.

      Note: The school at which you obtained your university entrance qualification may not be chosen as the internship school.

      No. All three modules must be completed at the same school. The choice of the first internship school is binding across all school internship studies. A change of school is then no longer possible.

      Yes. The first module can be completed in a self-organized manner at a vocational school abroad. Questions in this regard should be directed to the representatives of the Vocational Seminary.

      The preparatory seminar always starts in the winter semester and should be taken in the 5th semester. The follow-up seminar takes place in the following summer semester.

      Yes, a binding registration is required for participation in the pre- and post-seminar on economics. Further information on this will be communicated during the information event, which is expected to take place at the end of June/beginning of July. Following the information event, a registration form for participation from the coming winter semester will be published. Experience shows that the registration deadline is mid-August. With the corresponding registration form you are automatically registered for the pre- and post-seminar.

      No. In principle, participation in the School Practical Studies I is linked to participation in the preparatory and follow-up seminar. An exception is only possible in the case of a long-term internship/study abroad and must be discussed individually with the persons responsible for the seminar and the subject-specific academic advisor.

      Separation of the preparatory and follow-up seminar is not possible in principle and must be discussed individually with the person responsible for the seminar and the departmental student advisor. A separation would be conceivable, for example, in the case of a stay abroad.