
Aktuelle Veröffentlichungen der Wipäd!  [06.08.23]

Heid, H., Jüttler, M., & Kärner, T. (2023). Participation in the classroom as a basis for democracy education? A conceptual analysis of the concept of student participation. Frontiers in Political Science, 5:1225620, 1–10.

Weiß, J. K., Bottling, M., & Kärner, T. (2023). Professional identification in the beginning of a teacher’s career: A longitudinal study on identity formation and the basic psychological need for autonomy in VET teacher training. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1196473, 1–15.

Kärner, T., Jüttler, M., Fritzsche, Y., & Heid, H. (2023). Partizipation in Lehr-Lern-Arrangements: Literaturreview und kritische Würdigung des Partizipationskonzepts. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft.

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